This game's got huge potential, but the lags and bugs take away from the gameplay...
I'll wait for a more stable version.
Anyway, Krinkles, you're THE MAN!
This game's got huge potential, but the lags and bugs take away from the gameplay...
I'll wait for a more stable version.
Anyway, Krinkles, you're THE MAN!
Not much of a fighting game.
The graphics and art were OK, I like the characters, but it's just another ad game.
Controlls were just poor, and it was impposible to enjoy the fighting.
There were no COMBOS!
And also, the music was very annoying.
I didnt like this game, it's not nearly entertaining as a fighting flash game should be, there should be combos, better controlls and movement animation of the characters.
I enjoyed playing this game, it's fun and addicting, though many people may find it boring unless you will give it some new features.
Graphics were simple, it didnt bother me too much.
NO SOUND, you should add sounds and backround music, which would make this
game alot more fun to play.
Keep it up :)
Sadly, almost perfect
I loved everything, especialy the controls!
I just love to punch the zombies.
But I think you should put a practice mode where the player can improve his controll over the punches and kicks.
Needs more new ammunition
but it was a great game :)
0~fl_w:540,415|fl_w:743.35,415|w_i:45 1.65,344.9|w_i:640,346.65|w_i:836.7,3 45|p_s:313.25,548.3|p_c:431.65,513.35 |p_c:403.35,471.7|p_c:856.7,398.25|p_
c:433.35,398.35|p_c:418.35,395|p_c:40 5,398.35|p_c:388.35,398.35|p_c:433.35 ,351.65|p_c:420,351.65|p_c:401.65,351 .65|p_c:388.35,351.65|p_c:435,311.65|
p_c:418.35,313.35|p_c:401.65,313.35|p _c:390,308.35|w_i:373.35,361.7|w_i:35 5,361.65|ws_s:886.75,466.6|ws_s:906.7 5,455.05|ws_s:976.65,501.7|ws_s:933.3 5,506.65|ws_s:871.7,515.05|ws_s:998.3 5,490|ws_s:543.3,483.35|ws_s:525,496.
7|ws_s:615,493.35|ws_s:656.7,466.65|w s_s:676.7,480|ws_s:700,481.65|ws_s:73 3.35,495|ws_s:766.7,495|p_c:873.35,39 8.4|p_c:905,495|p_c:916.7,490|p_c:101 5.05,498.2|p_c:855,351.7|p_c:873.3,35 3.35|p_c:908.3,308.35|p_c:853.35,305|
c:908.4,350|p_c:906.7,395|p_c:890,396 .7|p_c:890.05,306.7|w_i:925,356.65|w_
i:941.7,358.35|fl_s:546.7,276.65|fl_s :743.15,276.65|ws_i:458.35,241.65|ws_
i:830.05,241.7|ws_i:811.65,241.7|ws_i :475,243.35|ws_i:493.35,243.35|ws_i:7 93.4,241.65|ws_i:458.3,183.3|ws_i:475 ,185|ws_i:491.65,183.3|ws_i:793.3,181 .65|ws_i:811.7,181.65|ws_i:830.1,181.
65|w_s:455,480|w_s:806.65,478.35|fl_w :413.35,503.35|f_w:551.7,266.65|f_w:6 46.7,266.65|f_w:733.35,266.65|w_s:511 .65,201.7|w_s:773.3,200|w_s:145,528.3 5|w_s:528.35,200|w_s:755.05,200|w_s:5 46.7,199.95|w_s:734.9,203.35|w_s:565,
fs_w:811.65,146.65|fl_i:640.05,131.65 |w_i:548.35,65|w_i:730,66.6|fl_s:643.
7|c_s:643.35,-38.35|ws_w:615,-93.35|w s_w:671.7,-96.7|ws_w:583.4,465|ws_w:5 53.35,496.7|p_t:641.7,-143.35|c_n:598 .3,93.35|c_n:671.7,93.3|c_p:638.35,22 6.65|c_k:753.35,373.35|c_q:530,368.35 |
pure genious, thats all I can say
it was nice
nothing more than that, sorry
wasn't so good
i didnt like it very much and i didnt understand what it was all about...
Your a genious
honestly, your a fucking genious
Nice, but could have been better
Age 31, Male
Voice Actor
Joined on 8/3/06